""Liberty and freedom are precious and must be fought for and many generations of Americans have answered the call and heard the toll of the Liberty Bell. Now is such a time and ask not for "whom does the bell toll". For those on the greens at Lexington and Concord heard the call and saw the approaching danger in the forms of "Brown Bess" and "Redcoat". And when the smoke had cleared the deaf ear of the oppressor was pierced by "the shot heard round the world".""
by Ron Russell

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

National Tea Party: The Great Snake-Oil Salesman

Those who gave some support to the first stimulus bill can to a small degree be excused (but not by this writer). Those on the other hand who continue to support these massive spending bills can in no way be excused. Either they are total fools or their agenda is something alien to America. Obama does NOT want the economy to improve, because his hates the free market system, and the only way he can bring about his socialistic Utopian liberal dream, is for things to get much worse. Those who say, if would be foolish for him to help bring on an economic Armageddon, simply don't understand what this man is really about. He not a socialist (in the European sense), but a radical socialist in the Mugabe (African) camp. He knows he can sway the masses with his soaring rhetoric and that the masses will wait for his next words to flow over them and solve their many problems. He is a modern day "snake-oil" salesman and the fools are beating down his door for a taste of the magic elixir. He offers up "hope" and "dreams" as some commodities on his endless shelf of wares, and the people come, they press against the doors, their faces pushed and flattened against the glass by the multitudes behind them; for a chance to see and touch this miracle man and to taste the wonders of his fruits.

Few times, in the history of this great Republic, have we faced such a threat to the survival of this nation; this is one such time and we must fight back or give up not only our freedoms, but that of our children.
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