""Liberty and freedom are precious and must be fought for and many generations of Americans have answered the call and heard the toll of the Liberty Bell. Now is such a time and ask not for "whom does the bell toll". For those on the greens at Lexington and Concord heard the call and saw the approaching danger in the forms of "Brown Bess" and "Redcoat". And when the smoke had cleared the deaf ear of the oppressor was pierced by "the shot heard round the world".""
by Ron Russell

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

National Tea Party: Nutty Politics

I recall as a young man I often went into the woods on a cold fall mornings in search of the illusive country squirrel. They were hard to find--guess they knew they were meat for the table (fried squirrel was a treat is those days--no joke!). I do recall one thing about those old country squirrels,especially in the fall, they were always gathering nuts--one after another. I think they knew a hard time was coming.
I'm older now and live in the city. Sad to say, squirrel hunting days are over. I have noticed, however, that the squirrels here (city squirrels) don't gather nuts in the same way as their country cousins did. I'm sure some misguided progressive will say that's because of global warming--warmer winters and the squirrel doesn't have to prepare as much!! This conservative thinks otherwise--the city squirrel knows that even on cold winter days he can go to the park and someone on a nice park bench will give him a nut--or even a handful of them. Are you like the country squirrel--preparing for hard times, or like the city squirrel waiting for the handout from (big government).
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